One of the central themes of the Steadfast Spirit is proper self-management. Ultimately success will be based around your ability to build networks but without proper self-management those relationships never grow or worse can become destructive. Below is one of the several types of relationships you will need to develop and lean upon.
Feedback Friends: My feedback friends are James, Tyler, Marshall, Spencer, Dan and Dave. A feedback friend is first and foremost a friend. A feedback friend is someone who knows you as a person and your relationship exists because you like each other outside any type of professional benefit.
You trust one another and more importantly care about each other. A feedback friend is someone who gives you legitimate and sometimes tough feedback. These are the people you go to when you are struggling, and they are the people that tell you things you need to hear over what you want to hear. Feedback friends usually should be in your relative field of work. Although I don’t do exactly the same type of work as these guys, they all work in D.C. and usually understand my situation. I have never made a serious
career move or decision without consulting at least one of these guys. Asking for this type of feedback from contacts/connections can be tricky. They do not know you that well and may feel uncomfortable being overly blunt or truthful with you.
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